Escape the cycle of overwhelm, panic and dread in mid-life
Unlock true calm and confidence
Exhausted all the time – but can’t relax?
Always panicking – but can’t take action?
Frequently overwhelmed and feel trapped?
Feeling like the gas and brake pedals are on at the same time?
Frustrated to still feel stuck like this in mid-life?
Do moments of calm feel more like a short break from fear?
Feel like others cope so much easier?
Self-help books, yoga, meditation not working?
Feeling of running out of time?
Done with panic, overwhelm and dread?
Mid-Life Unbound
Escape the cycle of overwhelm, panic and dread, unlock true calm and confidence
In 12 weeks:
Know techniques to instantly feel the calmest in decades
Understand the neuroscience behind why people get trapped in a cycle of panic and dread
Have techniques for deep, uninterrupted and restful sleep
Identify the events in life that created these emotional patterns
Be able to identify the causes of reactions and emotional flooding
Learn how to break free of these cycles
Have a personalised plan to achieve true calm and confidence in life
Feel calmer, and not be overwhelmed by daily life
Be able to make important decisions without a cascade of fear and overthinking
Be able to truly relax and enjoy time off, unconditionally
Overcome panic about ageing and running out of time
Understand, inside and out, the science behind emotions, stress and overwhelm
Master emotional patterns, their causes and how to regulate them, setting up for a life of calm and confidence
Without needing:
To constantly monitor, remember or pay attention to emotional states – this work becomes the new natural state
Self-help books, yoga classes, breathwork, retreats or other superficial methods
To alter anyone or anything in your environment
I only work with clients who meet the following criteria:
- People who are done with overwhelm, panic and dread, done with emotional flooding, done with feeling like the gas and brake pedals are on at the same time – and ready to fully commit to eliminating them from their life
- People who are ready to unpack deeply-held beliefs that are holding them back from a life of true calm and confidence
- People willing to do all the work required on this program to reach their goals – and understand that they will save decades of fear and overwhelm by doing this
This is probably not for people who:
- Still think that self-help books, yoga classes, breathwork, affirmations, hypnotherapy or any other surface-level method will help them truly eliminate these problems on a deep, permanent level
- Think other people are the problem, or that they need to change their environment or people around them in order to escape this cycle
- Are looking for a quick-fix, magic bullet answer, and aren’t prepared to commit to working on creating a new way of thinking and feeling.
Does this resonate? If so, book a free consultation call with me.

Your Guide (About Me):

Hello! I’m Diana,
Five years ago I stood on the balcony of a beach house in Southern Spain, on a warm summer evening, the setting sun glistening across the water… crying, on the phone to my Mum. “I can’t take this any more, I can’t live life like this anymore!”
I lived in an overwhelming cycle of panic and dread for 30 years. Everything made me want to break down, I felt like the slightest disturbance would lead to a flood of overwhelm. I was always exhausted by this low-level fear, constantly threatening to boil over – yet I was never able to relax. I had this anxious, buzzing, fake energy constantly, always worrying about everything – but I felt too scared to make any important decisions, or take action in my life. I was stuck.
No amount of meditations, talk therapy, mindfulness courses, self-help books, retreats or yoga classes ever did anything more than take the edge off.
Despite travelling to some of the most beautiful places in the world with my family – having lovely kids, a wonderful business with my husband, I was never able to truly relax and live in the moment.
Then I discovered this work.
I began working with a coach – and unpicked the decades-old patterns that dominated my life.
5 years later – my inner state is unrecognisable. I have never felt calmer, more joyful and confident, or freer, ever before. I have escaped the overwhelming cycle of panic and dread, and unlocked true calm and confidence in my life. I can now powerfully handle life’s daily ups and downs with confidence. I can truly relax and enjoy time off with my family, no overthinking, no worrying, fully present. I can make important decisions, and I don’t feel that nauseating panic about everything that I used to.
The techniques that got me here were so powerful yet so simple. After going through this transformation, I wanted so much to share it with others. This is what I’ve done with Mid-Life Unbound. This course is the product of 5 years of refinement. In thousands of hours of coaching with clients, I have selected a handful of key patterns that affect mid-life folks stuck in this cycle, and the most powerful teachings and exercises that have helped hundreds of my clients escape the overwhelming cycle of panic and dread.
Why do people get more overwhelmed the older they get?
Emotional pressure builds over time, and will only increase until it is addressed. The longer this pressure builds inside, the more it will accumulate, at the same time people’s capacity will decrease as it wears them down. So the amount they hold grows as their ability to hold it dwindles slowly, the result is that they feel more overwhelmed as they get older.
How can someone stop other people from overwhelming them so much?
This program requires you unpack a lot of beliefs you may hold – including the belief that other people are the cause of emotional problems. By learning the techniques in this program to escape the overwhelming cycle of panic and dread, to unlock true calm and confidence – participants will stop feeling so overwhelmed by other people’s emotions, regardless of whether those around them have changed in any way. This program requires 0 altering of one’s external environment or the people around them.
Will this work for me? I have already tried so many other methods.
Yes! Hundreds of clients of mine have come to me and reached true calm and confidence after seeing no change with other methods such as yoga classes, breathwork, affirmations, talk therapy, self help-books etc. This program is for people who are DONE and ready for a life of freedom, joy and energy. This means you must be committed to a new approach that focuses on tackling the root of the problem, but if you still think these surface-level methods will address the core problems, this course probably isn’t for you.
Do you guarantee results? What if it doesn’t work?
If I think you are a good fit to work with me on our consultation call, and you fully commit to doing all the work – then I guarantee you will see success from the course. Our consultation call will be an in depth exploration of what you are navigating, I will give you support and share with you what I feel you need to make the shifts and changes in your life. If it then feels like a good fit for us to work together, I will share with you the Mid-Life Unbound program details. I am so confident I can deliver that I offer a FULL Money Back Guarantee – provided you’ve done all the work and seen no results.
Is this a coaching program?
This program is first and foremost a tool to help people escape the cycle of overwhelming panic and dread, unlocking true calm and confidence. All the methods employed in this program are based around that goal. It combines private coaching, group sessions, recorded classes and exercises in the best possible combination in order to reach this aim.
Can a therapist benefit from this program?
Yes! Anyone who relates to the problems described above will benefit from this course. I have had many therapists on my program and they all benefit as much as my other clients.
How much does it cost?
I will only offer the program to if I think we are a good fit on our complimentary consultation call. If I do, it is because I believe you can achieve the results and that this is a worthy investment in yourself, your family and your life.
Will this work with my busy schedule?
The program is very flexible, combining private coaching booked according to your schedule, recorded classes and live online group sessions that are available each week at different times so everyone can make at least 2 live sessions per month. Moreover, as you progress through the program – you will see daily changes in your emotional state, as you become calmer and more confident. This will allow you to deal with a busy schedule with far less overwhelm than before!
What is the science behind this method?
This program combines cutting-edge neuroscience and emotional health practices. It is a specially-crafted combination of scientifically-proven methods with core emotional wound healing all to achieve one goal: help mid-life people escape the cycle of overwhelming panic and dread, unlocking true calm and confidence
Will this help problems with relationships and family?
Anyone who I think is a good fit for this course will benefit immensely from it. By the end, participants will learn how to not be so overwhelmed by other people’s feelings, problems in daily life and workplace stress. The result is that they will be calmer in all their relationships, which will naturally reduce conflict and create harmony. Clients have described radical shifts in their relationships – observations by loved ones that they were “glowing” or “completely transformed”.
Do I have to be a Mid-Life person to join?
Anyone who resonates with the above can benefit from this course! However, it is in mid-life where the problems outlined are the most potent and where the fear of ageing and running out of time comes into the mix. I created this program because the majority of my previous clients were folks in mid-life describing this exact problem.
Will I receive direct personal support?
Yes! You will receive 1-1 guidance through private coaching and daily email support – this is combined with group coaching, recorded classes and exercises. All the support will be given to you to ensure you reach true calm and confidence.
Do you offer other services?
No. This is the only service I offer. I help mid-life people escape the cycle of overwhelming panic and dread, unlocking true calm and confidence – this program has been specifically crafted to do just that.
Does this take up a lot of time? Is it worth the time?
This is a self-investment, anyone who is ready to escape the cycle of overwhelming panic and dread, and is prepared to make this investment, and put in the time to do the work on the program – will see a radical shift, and will achieve true calm and confidence. They will save decades of further overwhelm, simmering fear, increasing emotional pressure. Anyone who is done with all of that, and ready for a life of freedom, joyful energy and authentic calm and relaxation – would be a great fit for the course. If this resonates with you, book a free 30 minute consultation call with me!