When we get trapped by blame

What to do when we are simply enduring life

What if feeling your anger was a gateway to confidence?
Hello beautiful one, What if feeling your anger was a gateway to joy, love and confidence? What if feeling your fear was a path to more fun with your kids? Less stress at work? More feelings of peace? What if […]

Sometimes I think I don’t have the time

Release emotions to change our lives
Hey beautiful, Imagine how you’d feel after a 2 hr massage at a 5-star spa in the Caribbean… …now imagine accessing that feeling seconds after someone cuts you off in rush hour traffic, spilling coffee all over your new white […]

The problem with (forced) gratitude
Hey beautiful folks, How are you doing? How is life with you? I am an even mix of English and Irish, so Thanksgiving isn’t something I knew much about until I moved to California 27 years ago. It was there […]

Processing the emotions you feel around your family

Why we have such intense emotions around our families
Hello beautiful one, Many of us have found ourselves highly emotionally activated around our families. Maybe it comes in the form of intense dread at seeing them, or a non-specific sensation of being unsettled, or we feel anxiety about being […]
Expectations & Families
Our bodies store our unhealed trauma – but they are also our gateway to freedom
Hello beautiful people, Some years ago I was doing an online course about learning to inhabit my feminine goddess energy. It felt exciting, I had spent many years feeling disconnected from my body, through the years of child rearing and from […]
Our need for belonging
Hello beautiful people, How are you? This morning I woke up and I felt scared. What are you scared of love? I ask myself. That I am not really good enough. I am just a pretty useless human being. I […]
Working with our emotional health is a daily practise
Hello beautiful people, For a long, long, long time my life was one long story of overwhelm. And it was reflected in the choices I made – the short term fixes, the holding my breath, the ‘it’ll be ok soon’, […]
Disentangling yourself from other people’s emotions
Hello beautiful people, A few weeks ago, after arriving in London, my husband’s glasses were stolen at the gym. With his spare glasses in a box somewhere in a cupboard in our apartment in Spain, our only option was new […]
How families can activate our most intense emotional experiences
Hello beautiful people, How are you today? I am in London, the city of my birth, staying with family and enjoying the beauty of the city that has just burst into spring. It feels so opulent to be in such […]
Why our brain can reject change
Hello lovely people, How are you today? I wanted to share a few thoughts with you about approaching the movement we need for shifting, changing and making significant steps in the journey we are on with ourselves. Change doesn’t always […]
What our emotions & hearts are yearning for
Hello beautiful, How are you today? How are you feeling? Today I wanted to share some thoughts and ideas about how much our emotions need to be seen and heard. What usually happens when we share our feelings with someone […]
Turning down the dial on stress, overwhelm, panic or rage
Hello beautiful people, In the work of self-exploration, on our path to find healing to the pains and challenges that we carry, it is so easy to focus on finding the answers. We set out our destination as – I […]
The Power of Releasing Shame
For a long time I was utterly convinced that I was a shoddy, not very good, sort of person. That if I couldn’t meet my expectations of myself just so, I felt like I was letting my family down, myself […]
The Subtle Power of Shame
Shame is such a subtle but deeply powerful emotion, and I believe for many of us it sits at the heart of many of the challenges we have in life. Underneath other emotions like fear or anger, sadness or grief, […]
9 incredible skills (that feel like superpowers) you can have
Here are 9 incredible skills (that feel like superpowers!) you will have after my program. Know exactly what to do when someone is panicking, raging, totally shutdown and won’t speak to you or generally freaking out Simple tools that can […]
When Shame Overwhelms us
Good day beautiful people, How are you? I like to write about what’s happening in my life because when I share what’s happening for me it’s almost always something that other people can relate to. This week I have been […]
Guided Audio For Releasing Tension & Cultivating Calm
Hello beautiful people, One thing we talk about a lot in my house is that it’s worth taking the time to work with any emotional or survival activation – that ultimately it saves time in the long run. If we […]
A Quick & Easy Way To Bring A Sense Of Calm Into Your Body
Hello beautiful people, How are you? When we are overwhelmed It may feel like we are just desperate to get to the end of our to-do list. Or to stop our politicians being so alarming. Or to just get our […]
Meeting Ourselves Where We Are
How are you? Some very common comments that I hear in my coaching is, I shouldn’t be feeling like this, I should be able to deal with this, I am too old to be in this position (and this is […]
What To Do When We Can’t Relax
Hello beautiful people, How are you today? When I learnt that our brain’s top priority is our physical safety and survival, and how that affects everything we do, and how we feel about ourselves in the world.. That if […]
Why emotions feel so overwhelming
Hello lovely people, What I hear all the time when I first talk to people in my coaching is – I’m just an angry person Or I’m just a really fearful person Or I just can’t cope, I am super […]
The Anguish Of Not Loving Your Body
Sometimes I feel so much sadness and regret when I think about how I’ve lived so much of my life in an intensely painful argument with myself and my body. I spent years in deep disgust at who I am, […]
How we feel about our bodies
It was a warm summer’s day and my skin wanted nothing on it. To walk through the day with just my flesh, sweat dripping, messy hair. To have my sun caress my skin, a little cool breeze too, to lay […]
Walking through darkness
My husband and I have been together for 23 years. And for a lot of it we were in a super s**tty relationship. Like AWFUL. We met when I was 21. We were both damaged, traumatised people who knew nothing […]
Our children don’t want us to fix them – they want to be heard
Fear is playing in my body….
What Your Anger Is Trying to Tell You and How to Hear It
My new article on Tiny Buddha is all about the experience and release of anger. Check it out.
Our need to be heard
When we share our feelings with someone, it often goes like this: – I am feeling pretty overwhelmed right now, I am so worried about…. And often we’ll receive this kind of a reply: – Well everyone’s overwhelmed right now, […]